The Ten Fundamental Principles of Islam

The Ten Fundamental Principles of Islam

بواسطة - College Principal
عدد الردود: 0

By Prof. Khaleel-ur-Rahman Chishti

  1. The only religion acceptable to Allah is Islam. (Al-Imran: 19)
  2. No religion other than Islam will be accepted. (Al-Imran: 85)
  3. Despite this truth, Allah grants freedom of thought, religion, and opinion to all. (Ad-Dahr: 3)
  4. An Islamic state is responsible to establish Salah (prayers), Zakat (charity), promote good deeds, and forbid evil. (Al-Hajj: 41)
  5. The state will be governed by Quran and Sunnah, ensuring the protection of the life, wealth, and honor of non-Muslims.
  6. Secularism is also a religion and is considered disbelief (kufr). It confines religion to homes and places of worship, a restriction Islam does not accept.
  7. The belief in the unity of religions (Wahdat-e-Adyan) is kufr. Concepts like "Divine Religion" and Bahaism are harmful to Muslims.
  8. A Muslim does not look at other religions with longing eyes. They remain content and satisfied with Islam.
  9. A Muslim may study other religions with the intention of understanding them better to enhance their propagation (dawah) of Islam.
  10. Islamic tolerance does not mean accepting the practices, customs, or cultures of other religions. Tolerating other religions is one thing, but considering them correct or believing in them is entirely different.

By Khaleel Ur Rahman Chishti, August 11, 2024